Importance of Oceans

Have you ever thought about the importance of oceans? The facts are astounding. Oceans cover two-thirds of our planet and produce most of the oxygen we breathe, regulate our climate, provide us with food, and support a large part of the world’s economy. 

However, these don’t often come to mind when leaving my footprints along a sandy shore, listening to gentle lapping ocean waves, gathering seashells, or watching seafoam race up to my feet. 

The ocean inspires and revitalizes me. With every ebb and flow, it washes away the day's stresses. It is my sanctuary. Listening to ocean waves has long been known to relax the mind and lower the heart rate, promoting better sleep and a healthier life. Ever changing, the sea can be calm and gentle or angry and powerful as in a storm. But it always draws me to its wildness, a force of nature we cannot control and can only admire. 

Paradise Lost?Teeming with sea life sustained by precise marine ecosystems, the ocean is our greatest natural resource, making our planet habitable. Conserving our most precious natural resource is crucial for environmental sustainability and vital for our existence. And this is why we must prioritize preventing the abuse of the ocean and its inhabitants. Oceans are vast, powerful, and untamable, yet sensitive to harmful contaminants that disrupt stability and sustainability. 

Pollution from our cities, industries, and rural sources has severely abused our oceans and waterways.Take, for example, the problem of plastic pollution found worldwide and even in the farthest depths of the ocean. Studies estimate that 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic waste are in our oceans, of which 269,000 tons float and 4 billion microfibers per km2 are below the surface. According to the studies, 70% of our debris sinks into the ocean's ecosystem, 15% floats, and 15% lands on our beaches. In terms of plastic, 8.3 million tons are discarded in the sea yearly.

That is just the plastic problem, but other contaminants, such as toxic metals, chemicals, pesticides, and agricultural runoff, damage marine life. Keep in mind that all these toxins enter the food chain and can wind up on our dinner plates.

Thank goodness for the many organizations creating awareness and making a difference to conserve our oceans. I want my photography to make an impact, to remind us that the ocean’s magnificence is to be protected and cherished for future generations to enjoy and that we are responsible people who can make a difference.